These relate to support measures concerning depository institutions, securities houses, insurance companies, and electronic monetary claim recording institutions.
Cover matters including flexibility regarding customer identity confirmation methods; accommodating client requests for premature withdrawals and new loans.
Considerate handling of negotiable instruments, checks, electronically recorded monetary claims; speed up granting of loans, granting debt moratoriums/altering existing loan conditions; respond appropriately to relevant debt consolidation guide.
Respond to requests for damaged bill and coin exchange; endeavor to pay life or non-life insurance benefits as soon as possible; facilitate policyholders' payment of life or non-life insurance premiums, such as extending moratoriums in view of circumstances.
JPN METI Measures
Set up special consultation desks, as well as provide affected SMEs and micro businesses with disaster recovery loans and small business mutual aid disaster loans.
Apply safety net guarantee no. 4, which guarantees 100% of loan amount, to affected SMEs and micro businesses whose sales have decreased due to the disaster.
Requested a change in conditions of existing debt such as repayment grace periods, acceleration of loan procedures, and increased flexibility of collateral collection.
JPN JBA Measures
Include application of special measures at clearing house on exchange of bills where the period prescribed for presentation has passed owing to a natural disaster.
Careful handling of personal credit information re customers in disaster-hit area.
Raise awareness of Guidelines for debt consolidation for victims of natural disasters, given that guide could apply to victims to whom Disaster relief act has been applied.