C-OSFI International Financial Report

On Nov. 21, C-OSFI finalized IFRS 17 insurance contract guideline.

  • C-OSFI published international financial reporting standard (IFRS) - 17 guideline.
  • Standardized insurance contract reporting, providing insights into financial health.
  • IFRS 17 Guideline closely linked to Memo of appointed actuary (2024), #223657.
  • Reported as part of fall quarterly release of guidance and consultations, see #234487.
  • Key Changes
  • Guideline formalized interim expectations previously outlined in the IFRS 17 Advisory, letters to insurers, and regulatory return instructions; made no substantive changes.
  • Clarified financial guarantees, intra-group pooling, and captive fronting arrangements.
  • Consolidated accounting expectations for certain insurance products and transactions.
  • Addressed comparability concerns highlighted by stakeholders and supported consistent application of existing regulatory return instructions across the industry.
  • Rescinded IFRS 17 Advisory issues to support transition to new accounting standard.
  • Insurance Contract Guideline
  • Applies to federally regulated insurers (FRIs) using IFRS 17 insurance contracts.
  • Set expectations on intra-group pooling insurance risk shared agreements, accounting for financial guarantee contracts for mortgage insurers, captive fronting arrangements.
  • Financial Guarantee Contracts
  • IFRS 17 guideline provided mortgage insurers the option to classify financial guarantee contracts as either IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts or IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
  • For consistency and comparability across the industry, mortgage insurers should classify and account for these contracts as insurance contracts and apply IFRS 17.
  • Intra-Group Pooling
  • Guidelines specified that intra-group pooling arrangements are insurance risk sharing arrangements that redistribute risks between affiliates within a group of companies.
  • Benefit of IFRS 17 is the disaggregation of transactions and transparency of reporting.
  • Accounting for intra-group arrangements should not be conducted on a net basis.
  • Where intra-group pooling arrangement constitutes a reinsurance arrangement then IFRS 17 reinsurance contract accounting should be applied as a direct ins contract.
  • Direct ins contract for assuming party, reinsurance contract held for the ceding party.
  • This permits C-OSFI to assess risks and capital at each individual entity level.
  • Provides more clarity and certainty over priority of claims in the event of insolvency.
  • Also provides for comparable reporting of reinsurance contracts across institutions.
  • Fronting Captive Arrangements
  • These arrangements are insurance contracts entered into with a policyholder and subsequently reinsured to an entity within the same group as the policyholder.
  • FRIs expected to act as principal in its activities with the policyholder and adhere to OSFI guidance found in Sound Reinsurance Practices and Procedures (Guideline B-3),
  • If IFRS 17 is applicable, institution must fully account for these contracts as insurance contracts and disclose all reinsurance contracts held with unregistered reinsurers.
  • Insurer must notify lead supervisor if treatment other than IFRS 17 is appropriate.
  • Effectiveness
  • Final IFRS 17 Guideline is effective immediately, Nov. 21, 2024.

Regulators C-OSFI
Entity Types IHC; Ins
Reference Rpl IFRS 17 Adv, Lt, Sp, Gd IFRS 17, PR, 11/21/2024;
Functions Accounting; Compliance; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reinsurance; Reporting; Risk
Countries Canada
Category National Regulator
Products Insurance; Insurance-Casualty; Insurance-Health; Insurance-Life; Insurance-Property
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 11/21/2024
Effective Date 11/21/2024
Rule Id 234479
Linked to Rule :223657
Reg. Last Update 11/21/2024
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 11/26/2024