FATF Moneyval Jersey Progress Report

On Jul. 24, FATF Moneyval issued 5th round mutual evaluation report.

  • FATF Moneyval issued Jersey fifth round mutual evaluation report and summary, which commended steps taken to strengthen its legal and regulatory AML/CFT/PF framework, and was approved during the 67th plenary meeting on May 21-24, 2024.
  • Summary
  • Needs greater application of AML/CFT frameworks for investigations and prosecutions, and enforcing sanctions; strong legal framework but needs improved implementation.
  • Has a high understanding of risks, adequate policies and strategies; has concluded multiple high-quality, risk assessments, agencies, and private sector cooperate.
  • JER FIU operational independence & resources are significantly improved, intelligence is now regularly used to develop evidence, trace proceeds and predicate investigations.
  • Money laundering cases are routinely investigated and proceeds pursued: modest number of prosecutions, but with positive results from alternative measures.
  • Has mechanisms to identify, investigate, prosecute terrorist financing, and to implement financial sanctions on terrorism financing and proliferation financing.
  • Supervision and risk-based oversight of non-profit sector could be improved.
  • Is reinforcing AML/CFT supervisory framework for higher-risk entities and sectors, but compliance relies on remedial action, with insufficient imposition of sanctions.
  • Has measures to prevent criminals from entering all sectors, but needs robust checks.
  • Private sector understands risks/obligations, but measures (enhanced due diligence, politically exposed persons, reporting suspicious transactions), requires improvement.
  • Good understanding of extent to which legal persons/arrangements can be misused.
  • Basic and beneficial ownership information of legal persons and arrangements is available via its registry, with regular checks, risk assessments and vetting conducted.
  • Actively seeks and provides mutual legal assistance and international co-operation, but should seek informal cooperation more frequently, and continue to increase outreach.
  • Next Steps
  • Jersey is expected to report under regular follow-up process, in Dec. 2026.
  • Jersey Response
  • On Jul. 24, 2024, JER States said results demonstrated its commitment to compliance, and hoped for industry/investor confidence in Jersey as an international finance center.
  • On the same day, JER FIN said the report endorsed Jersey’s capabilities in combatting financial crime and reflected its commitment to upholding the very highest standards.
  • Jul. 2024 JER JFSC Response
  • On Jul. 24, 2024, JER JFSC welcomed strong MONEYVAL outcome and JER States strategic review, confirms JER JFSC has all key structures, powers, activities in place.
  • Document dated Jul. 24, 2024, received from JER JFSC Aug. 19, summarized Aug. 20.
  • Assessors recognized strengths of beneficial ownership regime, among other things.

Regulators FATF Moneyval; JER FIN; JER FIU; JER JFSC; JER States
Entity Types Bank; Corp; Depo; Ins; Inv Co; MSB
Reference Rp, PR, 7/24/2024
Functions AML; Anti-Bribery; Compliance; Financial; Legal; Operations; Risk; Sanctions
Countries Global Regulator
Category AML FIU; Central Government; Global Standards Body; National Regulator
Products Banking; Clearing; Deposits; Fund Mgt; Insurance; Loan; Wealth Mgt
Regions Global
Rule Type Guidance
Rule Date 7/24/2024
Effective Date 7/24/2024
Rule Id 220587
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 7/24/2024
Report Section AML & Enforcement

Last substantive update on 08/21/2024