On Feb. 17, SWI FINMA published guidelines on supervisory audits.
SWI FINMA issued guide for audit firms of license holders in line with the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) & Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) for the purpose of conducting the supervisory audit (Guidelines for supervisory audit asset management).
Follows SWI FINMA Apr. 2023, published supervisory audit guidance, see #169450.
For audit firms of FINIG license holders (fund management firms, collective assets managers), plus CISA (SICAV, SICAF, limited partnerships for collective investment schemes, custodian banks, foreign collective investment scheme representatives.
Plus, if applicable, managed collective capital investments, for processing documents used in such audits: risk analysis, standard audit strategy; regulatory audit report.
It also contains additional information on test principles and the conduct of the audit.
For each institution to be audited, SWI FINMA provides the audit firms with templates to be used as survey forms on the electronic survey and application platform (EHP)
Enables audit firms to record the risk analysis, the audit strategy and the regulatory audit report directly into the survey forms on the EHP, which are sent electronically.