Report explores persistent and emerging issues that hinder cybercrime investigations.
This 2025 edition identifies key obstacles such as in the field of digital evidence.
Also, examines how new legislative measures could help address obstacles.
Further digital challenges include overwhelming volume of digital data, data loss risks, and the persistent blockages to accessing critical information for various reasons.
Reasons can include legal and technical constraints, and increasing use of anonymization services has made it difficult to track criminal activities online.
Solutions Examined
Report analyzes impact of new EU legislative tools, such as the e-Evidence Package, Digital Services Act, and EU's Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act).
These instruments try to make it easier for data access, improve cross-border cooperation, and enhance investigative capabilities, but is dependent on strategies.
Implementation and integration of acts depends on existing operational strategies.
Report also sets out value of the strategic cooperation between Europol and Eurojust.
Highlights initiatives such as the SIRIUS Project, which has strengthened collaboration in cybercrime investigations, which plays key role in a complex digital landscape.
Entity Types
CNSM; Corp
Rp, PR, 1/31/2025; DSA Reg 2022/2065; AI Act 2024/1689; Dir 2023/1544; Reg 2023/1543