On Jan. 31, RUS CB proposed rules for notary information requests.
RUS CB proposed ord on the format and content of notaries’ requests to credit history bureaus for information about a credit history subject—testator—from the title section of the credit history, information on outstanding obligations as of the request date or their absence from the main section of the credit history, information on the sources of credit history formation for each outstanding obligation of the credit history subject as of the request date from the additional (closed) section of the credit history, the format and content of information provided by credit history bureaus in response to such requests, and the procedure for interaction between credit history bureaus and notaries with explanatory note.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The ord was developed in line with law 407-FZ amending regulatory acts of Russia.
The ordinance establishes the format and content of a notary's request to credit history bureaus for information about a credit history subject on any alarming information.
Also, the content of information provided by credit history bureaus in response to a notary’s request for information about a credit history subject and the procedure for interaction between the credit history bureaus and notaries to share information.
Comments and feedback are accepted by Feb. 16, 2025 and the planned entry into force of the ordinance is Nov. 24, 2025.