On May 4, TAI EXC manual on transmission of market information.
In consideration of data transmission baud rate, future expandability and requirements of the new-generation system, TAI EXC decided to modify protocol and baud rate.
Relevant fields were either simplified or combined, field expandability was reserved to meet future business development needs in order to enhance program maintainability.
Added format 22: basic data of intraday odd lot trading; format 23: real-time market data of intraday odd lot trading stock; and appendix: table of transmission setting.
Will be implemented in Oct. 2020.
Jan. 2022 English Manual
On Jan. 6, 2022, TAI EXC issued version B.12.03 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification) in English; amended formats 17, 18, 24, 25.
Mar. 2022 Updates
On Mar. 15, 2022, TAI EXC issued versions B12.03 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification), which will be taking effect from Apr. 2022.
Added stock code of exchange-traded notes (ETNs) in the TAI EXC stock coding rules.
Also issued version B12.04, to add four new formats; effective from Jun. 2022.
May 2022 Updates
On May 10, 2022, TAI EXC issued version B12.05 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification) which will come into effect in Jun. 2022.
Revised B12.05 in May 2022 and to be implemented in Jun 2022 including removing new share entitlement certificates and stock share payment certificates.
Also updated general preferred stocks and added exchangeable preferred stocks.
Revised B12.05 includes adding format 24 and 25; revised format name of 17 and 18.
Aug. 2022 Operation Manual Update
On Aug. 26, 2022, TAI EXC issued version 1.5 of operation manual for full backup computer on the concentrated market day, to come into effect on Dec. 26, 2022.
Document dated Aug. 26, 2022, received Sep. 01, and summarized on Sep. 5.
Changes made to align with the optimization of the full backup mechanism, the securities firms file transmission declaration data check file (BCZ) for securities firms.
Oct. 2022 Updates
On Oct. 26, 2022, TAI EXC issued version B12.06 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification) which will come into effect in Dec. 2022.
Noted it revised B12.06 in Nov. 2022 and is to be implemented in Dec. 2022.
Includes a consequential revision to appendix B; it also notes an update to the item of Callable Bear Contract with domestic securities/index as underlying assets.
Specifically, an English letter, P, U or T, is added following the five-digit ticker symbol.
Mar. 2023 New Category
On Mar. 30, 2023, TAI EXC issued version B12.07 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification) which will come into effect on Jul. 3, 2023.
Added green energy and environmental services, digital and cloud services, sports and leisure, household, updated tourism industry to tourism and hospitality industry.
In Jun. 2023, TAI EXC announced new corporate identification system, see #167749.
Feb. 2024 Format 3 Cancelled
On Feb. 26, 2024, TAI EXC issued version B12.08 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification) which will come into effect on Jul. 1, 2024.
Format 3 information has been transmitted in format 10; as such, the transmission of format 3 has been cancelled, and the format removed from the specification.
Sep. 2024 Prototype ETFs
On Sep. 20, 2024, TAI EXC issued version B.12.09 of market information transmission operation manual (IP feed specification) which will come into effect on Nov. 1, 2024.
The coding for prototype ETFs will be changed from a 5-digit code to a 6-digit code.