On Jul. 23, SAU ABC published decision on the authority's law.
SAU ABC published Decision No. 68 of 2024, concerning the SAU ABC Authority Law.
Explained that this Law will enhance the role of the Authority in carrying out its jurisdiction regarding the fight against financial and administrative corruption.
Document dated Jul. 23, 2024, was added on Oct. 3, 2024 due to editorial backfill.
Law affirms the complete independence of SAU ABC, granting it the necessary powers to carry out its jurisdiction, perform its tasks, and solidify its role with neutrality.
Defines and expands the forms of corruption crimes that the Authority is responsible for investigating, such as bribery, misappropriation of public funds, abuse of power.
As well as any other crime specified as corruption crime based on regulatory provision.
Expands SAU ABC responsibilities in administrative oversight, investigation, administrative prosecution, integrity protection, as well as transparency promotion.
Also, international collaboration with regional, international entities and organizations.
Includes provisions related to combating financial and administrative corruption crimes, such as dismissal from public office for a public employee upon conviction.
As well as provisions on illicit enrichment and escape of suspect outside the country.
Law allows individuals accused of corruption to request a proposed settlement.
Law is effective 90 days after its publication in the official gazette, on Nov. 7, 2024.