COL BANK Trust Company Regulation

On Sep. 10, COL BANK amended various rules on trust companies.

  • COL BANK proposed to amend, promulgate Banking Board Rules for trust companies.
  • Under COL FIN 3-706-1, proposed to promulgate TC1, and TC28, to establish definitions, requirements pertaining to the surrendering of a trust company charter.
  • Additionally, proposed requirements pertaining to an audit of fiduciary activities.
  • Amended several rules to clarify, update definitions, procedures, and requirements.
  • Incorporated by reference applicable federal code; grammatical, technical changes.
  • Capital Requirements
  • Established minimum capital requirements for non-depository trust companies (NDTC).
  • Amend COL FIN 3-701-6, TC13.5, Minimum capital for non-depositor trust companies.
  • Increased initial capital required to charter a NDTC from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000.
  • Minimum total capital requirement was increased from $750,000 to $1,000,000.
  • Increases required to align with current trust business costs, align minimum level from 1997 to equivalent levels in 2024, and the increase in complexity of NDTC operations.
  • 36 month phase-in period for existing trusts to comply with proposed minimum total.
  • Commissioner discretion to restrict NDTC's capital distributions, engagement in certain activities, payment of excessive compensation, bonus, could further deplete capital.
  • Revised definitions, minimum capital ratios to include capital adequacy standards and calculation of said capital ratios via incorporation by reference 12 CFR III; Redline.
  • Out-of-State Offices
  • Aim to establish specific guidelines and minimum standards for out-of-State trust companies for establishment of trust offices, representative trust offices in Colorado.
  • Amended COL FIN 3-701-6 TC22, Establishment of a Colorado office location by a trust company chartered in another State; provided a redline version of changes.
  • Updated statutory citation; Update types of depository institutions; removed industrial banks regulation, which was repealed effective Jul. 1, 2013; updated rule citations.
  • Removed obligation for out-of-State trust annually pay fee to COL BANK for operating representative trust office/trust office in COL to align with current Division practices.
  • Risk-Based Capital
  • Information, requirements pertaining to risk-based capital; repeal 3 CCR 701-6 TC14.
  • Replaced by capital CFRs for FDIC-regulated institutions via incorporation by reference.
  • Minimum capital-to-total assets ratio requirement into Rule 3 CCR 701-6 TC13.5, thereby making 3 CCR 701-6 TC14 no longer necessary; Provided redline of changes.
  • Minimum Bond, Error, Omissions Insurance
  • Set minimum amounts bond, error, omissions insurance trust company must maintain.
  • Removed term surety bond, replaced with fidelity bond, more appropriate for a trust.
  • Adjust minimum bond amount from initial 1993 amount $1mn to 2024 equal, $2mn.
  • Required trust conduct risk analysis for amount of fidelity bond, errors, omissions ins.
  • Corporate insurance/ bonding company must be authorized to do business in Colorado.
  • 1-year phase-in to allow trust time to comply to new minimum fidelity bond; Redline.
  • Liquidation Holdings
  • Required trust companies to hold $250,000 in eligible securities for COL BANK to use, in the event of liquidation of the company, to cover Division expenses; issued Redline.
  • Amend COL FIN 3-701-6 TC17, deposit of securities; clarified only applies to NDTCs.
  • As depository trust companies are insured by FDIC, who serves as receiver, liquidator.
  • Updated the definition of eligible securities by removing the reference to liquid capital.
  • Replaced the reference with updated verbiage; made minor, grammatical corrections.
  • Loan Purchases
  • Established specific guidelines for depository trust companies (DTCs) to purchase existing commercial loans or participations in existing commercial loans; Redline.
  • Amended COL FIN 3-701-6 TC18, investments in loans; Aligned rules with the OCC lending limit regulations (12 CFR 32) and FDIC capital regulations (12 CFR 324).
  • Reference COL FIN 11-109-907(2), on 2 instances DTC may make loan/extend credit.
  • Updated types of depository institutions; Regulation of industrial banks repealed 2013.
  • Thus, non-depository trust companies may not accept deposits, should be removed.
  • Included Prompt Corrective Action adequately capitalized capital ratios through the incorporation by reference the following applicable code of federal regulations.
  • Allow lender additional time to bring nonconforming loan in compliance where judicial proceedings, regulatory actions/other extraordinary occurrences prevent such action.
  • Subsidiary Investment
  • Set limitations for a trust company investing in an operating subsidiary; Redline.
  • Amend TC19, Investment in a subsidiary to modernize limits of trusts investment in operating subsidiary to increase parity with OCC regulation of national banks.
  • Expanded the operating subsidiaries in which a trust company can invest.
  • Decreased percentage of voting interest of operating subsidiary from 80% to 50%.
  • Set conditions operating subsidiary may engage in activities parent trust may engage.
  • Defined meaning of the ability to control the management, operations of subsidiary.
  • Expanded business entities in which trust, via operating subsidiary, may invest.
  • Decrease ownership level in business trust, via subsidiary, may invest, from 80 to 50%
  • Required business entity in which trust invests agree to COL BANK supervision, exam.
  • Call Report Filing
  • Specified Call report filing requirements for depository, non-depository trust entities.
  • Amend TC20, Reports of condition, income (Call Report) filing requirements; Redline.
  • Reinstated section on filing of Call Reports within 30 calendar days after the report date that was removed entirely upon expiration of Mar. 31, 2020 Emergency rule.
  • Updated filing requirement for NDTC's from paper filing to electronic filing.
  • Additionally, clarified that call reports are completed on a consolidated basis.
  • Fiduciary Accounts
  • Defined proper assets per fiduciary accounts for which trust has investment discretion.
  • Redline; 2023 Banking sunset review recommend new COL FIN 11-109-908, Fiduciary accounts - duties of trust companies - rules, required COL BANK promulgate new rule.
  • New rule to define what assets are appropriate as term pertains to fiduciary accounts for which trust has investment discretion; Rule TC1 will establish that definition.
  • Account Restrictions
  • Reiterated restriction of certain deposit, transaction deposit accounts per statutes.
  • Therefore, repealed Rule TC6, concerning Collateralization of deposits; Redline.
  • GAAP Exceptions
  • Allow trusts deviate on exception basis from generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in filing some supervisory, regulatory documents with State, federal agencies.
  • Amends TC7, GAAP, to include standards issued by FASP as part of definition of GAAP.
  • Redline; Clarified the Accounting principles board (APB) was the precursor to the FASB.
  • Update Financial Accounting Foundation organization structure; APB not in existence.
  • Removed reference verbiage as GAAP changes routinely, trust companies should prepare financial statements, reports in conformance with current GAAP requirements.
  • Dividend Restrictions
  • Applied restrictions to declaration, payment of dividends by State-chartered trust co.
  • Amend TC8, Dividends, which is silent on capital limitations on payment of dividends.
  • Including limit needed to help ensure State-chartered trusts maintain sufficient capital.
  • Current Earnings limitation on payment of dividends does not provide clarification on source of dividend payments, nor definition of undivided profits, needed for clarity.
  • Incorporate by reference Prompt corrective action undercapitalized definition; Redline.
  • Self-Dealing
  • Established transactions between related parties, interests of trust, its fiduciary accounts represent self-dealing, prohibited except very limited circumstances in TC21.
  • Broadened scope of law applicable to a trust company’s investment of funds of fiduciary accounts when it has investment discretion authority over fiduciary accounts.
  • Clarified who should be included as prohibited parties; Broadened the scope of law applicable to a trust company’s selling of assets between fiduciary accounts.
  • Removed statement trust company may borrow money on behalf of fiduciary account from itself since trust companies are not allowed to originate loans; Redline.
  • Investment Limits
  • TC9 provides information, requirements on limits of a Trust Company’s investments.
  • Made changes to better align investment limitations with federal investment limits.
  • Clarified that Type II and III securities are limited to 10 percent of capital and surplus.
  • That Type IV have no investment limit; Type V limited to 25% of capital and surplus.
  • When applying limits for Type II, III, and V securities, trust company is to take account of security type it is legally committed to purchase in addition to its existing holdings.
  • Added requirements pertaining to the calculation of Type III and V securities holdings.
  • Requirement on certain credit information to be maintained in investment files.
  • Also, treatment of nonconforming investments; incorporations by reference; Redline.
  • Charter Cancellation
  • Promulgated TC28 to establish requirements for canceling a trust charter; Redline.
  • Establish the timeframe in which an inactive trust company must surrender its charter.
  • Guidelines for trust, who at cancelation was in good standing, to reapply for charter.
  • Executive, Officer Changes
  • Amend TC10, on notification to COL BANK of new or changes in executive officers, directors, persons in control; Outlined penalties for late filing of said notices; Redline.
  • Increased late filing penalty from $25 per day to $100, per HB 24-1351, see #215317.
  • Directors' Exams
  • TC 11 provided scope of Directors’ exams, extent of testing, reports, their due date.
  • Minor grammatical, technical changes; incorporated sections by reference; Redline.
  • Capital Requirements
  • Amended TC13, due to proposed repeal of TC14, to reflect that both leverage and risk-based capital ratios are addressed in rule, and capital adequacy standards; Redline.
  • Proposed increase in alignment with the proposed increase in 3 CCR 701-6 TC13.5.
  • Revised definitions and minimum capital ratios to include the capital adequacy standards and calculation of said capital ratios through the incorporation by reference.
  • Consultation
  • Rulemaking Hearing Oct. 17, 2024; Comments due by Oct. 7, 2024.
  • Nov. 10, 2024 COL BANK Terminated Rulemaking
  • On Nov. 10, 2024, COL BANK terminated rule filings RF 2024-00417, RF 2024-00427.
  • Tabled during the hearing for further discussion and revision; terminated on Oct. 18.
  • Nov. 25, 2024 COL BANK Rule Adoptions
  • On Nov. 25, 2024, COL BANK published adoptions in State register, effective Dec. 15.
  • Adopted TC20, 2024-00428; TC21, 2024-00429; TC1, 2024-00413; TC6, 2024-00414; TC7, 2024-00415; TC8, 2024-00416; TC10, 2024-00418; TC11, 2024-00419.
  • TC13, 2024-00420; TC22, 2024-00430; TC13.5, 2024-00421; TC28, 2024-00431.
  • Also, TC14, 2024-00423; TC16, 2024-00424; TC17, 2024-00425; TC 18, 2024-00426.

Regulators COL BANK
Entity Types Bank; Fiduciary; SLHC
Reference COL SR Vol. 47 No. 22, 11/25/2024; COL SR Vol. 47 No. 21, 11/10/2024; COL SR Vol. 47 No. 17, RF 2024-00421, 2024-00430, 2024-00423, 2024-00424, 2024-00425, 2024-00426, 2024-00427, 2024-00428, 2024-00413, 2024-00414, 2024-00415, 2024-00416, 2024-00429, 2024-00417, 2024-00431, 2024-00418, 2024-00419, 2024-00420, 9/10/2024; Nt, 8/15/2024; Citation: *COL FIN* 3-701-6, 11-109-908; *12 CFR* III, 32, 324;
Functions Accounting; Audit; Compliance; C-Suite; Exams; Financial; Legal; Market Conduct; Operations; Product Administration; Registration/Licensing; Reporting; Resolution
Countries United States of America
Products Banking; Deposits; Loan
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 9/10/2024
Effective Date 12/15/2024
Rule Id 225601
Linked to Rule :215317
Reg. Last Update 11/25/2024
Report Section US Banking

Last substantive update on 11/27/2024