On Aug. 20, White House, FEMA federal aid for Santa Clara Pueblo.
White House, FEMA approved disaster declaration for the Santa Clara Pueblo (SCP).
Ordered federal aid for areas affected by severe storms from Jun. 20 to 21, 2024.
Federal Funding
Federal funding available to SCP to supplement the Tribal Nation’s recovery efforts.
In the areas affected by severe storms and flooding that occurred June 20-21, 2024.
Federal funding is also available on cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures to private nonprofit organizations for emergency work and repair of damaged facilities.
Aug. 21, 2024 SBA Disaster Assistance
On Aug. 21, 2024, SBA reported low interest federal disaster loans are now available to certain private nonprofit organizations located in the Santa Clara Pueblo.
Private nonprofits that provide essential services of a governmental nature are eligible.
May lend nonprofits up to $2mn to repair/replace damaged/destroyed real estate, machinery equipment, inventory, business assets; also, funding for future mitigation.
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) for certain nonprofits for working capital needs.
For fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, other unpaid bills due to disaster’s impact.
EIDLs are available regardless of whether property damage was suffered by non-profit.
Deadline to apply for property damage is Oct. 21, 2024; EIDLs May 20, 2025.
Aug. 2024 SBA Disaster Declaration
On Aug. 27, 2024, SBA issued notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for storms/flooding for public assistance only for Santa Clara Pueblo (FEMA-4809-DR).
Deadline to apply for physical property damage is Oct. 21, 2024; EIDLs May 20, 2025.