On Jul. 24, FEMA, White House funds, aid following tornado, landslide.
FEMA announced federal aid to KNY in response to White House disaster declaration.
Makes available federal assistance to supplement State, local recovery efforts in areas affected by storms, winds, tornadoes, land- and mudslides on May 21 - May 27, 2024.
White House President Biden approved KNY major disaster declaration Jul. 23, 2024.
Presidential declaration of a major disaster will be published in the federal register.
Kentucky Federal Aid
Programs to help individuals and business owners recover from effects of the disaster.
Includes temporary housing, home repair, or lost-cost loan re uninsured property loss.
Residents, business owners with sustained losses in designated areas may begin to apply for federal assistance through FEMA via the agency's website, app, or phone.
Further designations may be made at later date if requested by KNY and warranted.
Counties Within Scope
Federal action makes funding available to affected individuals in the counties of Butler,
Additionally, Kentucky counties of Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Warren, as well as Whitley.
Cost-Sharing Funding
Funds available on cost-sharing basis re emergency work, facility repair, replacement.
Counties in addition to the above-named are eligible, listed for federal cost-sharing.
Lastly, hazard mitigation measures throughout Kentucky are covered by this policy.
Jul. 24, 2024 FEMA Application Guidance
On Jul. 24, 2024, FEMA issued guidance on applying for disaster assistance.
Application may be made via telephone, online, or via FEMA's mobile app.
Victims should supply phone number, address at time of disaster and now, Social Security number, list of damages, banking information, insurance information.
FEMA cannot duplicate insurance coverage but may provide temporary housing funds or units, replacement or replacement of homes, funds for hazard mitigation.
May also provides seriously needed expenses, immediate housing, essential household items, vehicle assistance, funeral and burial expenses, child care, medical expenses.
Additionally, moving and storage expenses to protect essential household goods.
Jul. 24, 2024 KNY LEG State of Emergency
On Jul. 24, 2024, KNY LEG reported Gov. Beshear declared State of emergency with EO 2024-379 on May 26, 2024, and federal disaster declaration request was approved.
Makes federal funding available in Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Christian, Clay, Greenup, Hopkins, Knox, Logan, Muhlenberg, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Warren, Whitley counties.
Also available to eligible local governments, certain private nonprofit organizations on cost-sharing basis for emergency work, repair or replacement of facilities damaged.
In counties of Adair, Allen, Ballard, Barren, Breckinridge, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Christian, Clay, Clinton, Crittenden, Cumberland, Edmonson, Estill, Fulton.
On Jul. 31, 2024, FDIC issued FIL-51-2024 to help financial institutions, facilitate recovery in areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes, landslides.
That caused significant property damage in areas of Kentucky May 21 to May 27.
Encouraging banks to work constructively with borrowers experiencing difficulties beyond control because of damage caused by severe storms, straight-line winds, etc.
Banks that extend repayment terms, restructure existing loans, ease terms for new loans with sound banking practices can contribute to health of the local community.
May receive favorable Community reinvestment act (CRA) consideration for community development loans, investments, and services in support of disaster recovery.
FDIC will consider regulatory relief from certain filing and publishing requirements.
Also, on Jul. 30, 2024, FEMA reported updates to its individual assistance program.
Revisions offer new benefits, expanded eligibility, and a simplified application.
Now offers serious need assistance, displacement assistance, and expands access to other needs assistance and help to underinsured persons and home repair aid.
Aug. 2, 2024 FEMA Serious Needs Assistance
On Aug. 2, 2024, FEMA made available Serious Needs Assistance to Kentuckians affected by May 21-27 severe weather as, update to Individual Assistance program.
Serious Needs Assistance is a one-time assistance payment per household.
Immediate or serious needs assistance may provide lifesaving and life-sustaining items, including water, food, first aid, prescriptions, medical supplies, and fuel.
Impacted individuals may be eligible if completed FEMA application, FEMA confirms identity, primary home is in disaster area, you are displaced or have other costs.
Applications may be filed at a center, online, via telephone or the FEMA mobile app.
The deadline for Serious Needs Assistance applications is Aug. 22, 2024.
Aug. 9, 2024, FEMA Renters' Assistance Available
On Aug. 9, 2024, FEMA reported Individual Assistance is available to KNY renters.
Available in Caldwell, Calloway, Christian, Clay, Greenup, Hopkins, Knox, Logan, Muhlenberg, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Warren and Whitley counties due to storms.
Initial grant is for 1-month or 2-month period; can be reviewed for further assistance.
Renters may also qualify for a grant under FEMA's Other Needs Assistance program for uninsured essential personal property losses and other disaster-related expenses.
The deadline to apply for FEMA Individual Assistance is Sept. 22, 2024.
In Aug. 2024, KNY LEG opened applications for disaster unemployment aid, #222581.
In Aug. 2024, FEMA reported displacement assistance available in KNY, see #222848.
In Aug. 2024, FEMA reported clean and sanitize assistance for home in KNY, #223294.
Aug. 16, 2024 FEMA Damaged Vehicle Aid
On Aug. 16, 2024, FEMA made damaged vehicle assistance available to KNY residents.
Assistance available to those whose vehicles were damaged due to May 21-27 storms.
Aug. 21, 2024 FEMA Personal Property
On Aug. 21, 2024, FEMA reported assistance available for personal property loss, and reported that impacted survivors can apply for SBA when they apply for FEMA aid.
FEMA may provide help, if conditions meet eligibility requirements, with appliances, clothing, home furnishings, tools, computers and accessibility items for disabilities.
The items must have been owned before the disaster, and was damaged by disaster.
In Aug. 2024, FEMA reported disaster aid for KNY farmers, ranch hands, see #223703
In Sep. 2024, SBA amended the presidential KNY disaster declaration, see #224238.