On Jul. 23, White House approved disaster aid for Chickasaw Nation.
White House approved disaster declaration for the Chickasaw Nation to supplement Tribal Nation's efforts in areas impacted by severe storms on Mar. 14-15, 2024.
Federal funding is available to the Chickasaw Nation and certain private nonprofits.
Available on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and repair/replace of facilities.
Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation.
Per declaration, additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the Tribal Nation and if warranted by the results of further SBA damage assessments.
Jul. 2024 FEMA, SBA Disaster Assistance
On Jul. 24, 2024, FEMA reported disaster assistance available to the Chickasaw Nation.
Public Assistance funding is available to Tribal Nation on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the severe storms.
SBA also maid aid available to private nonprofit organizations in the Chickasaw Nation.
Offered loans of up to $2mn to repair/replace damaged or destroyed real estate.
Also to repair/replace machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets.
SBA also has additional funds for improvements to minimize future disaster damage.
Offers economic injury disaster loans (EIDL) to help with meeting working capital needs caused by disaster, to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills.
Deadline for property damage is Sep. 23, 2024 and for EIDL, deadline is Apr. 23, 2025.
Jul. 31, 2024 SBA Fed Reg Notice
On Jul. 31, 2024, SBA published notice of federal funding in the federal register.
Number assigned for physical damage is 20494B and for economic injury is 204950.
SBA; White House
Entity Types
SBA: 89 FR 61572, 7/31/2024; PR OK 20494-01, 7/24/2024; FEMA: PR HQ-24-132, 7/24/2024; White House: PR, 7/23/2024; Disaster Declaration #20494 and #20495; CHICKASAW NATION Disaster Number OK-20009;