On Jul. 10, PEN LEG passed bill to exclude squatter from tenant rights.
PEN LEG passed bill SB 1236 amending the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951 (Act) to redefine terms, application of provisions, in the context of addressing squatters.
Clarifies that the act does not apply to people who possess property without consent.
Amendment Provisions
Amends Act (PL 69 no 20, PEN LEG 69-20) regarding the definition of tenant.
Landlord is replaced with other, broadening applicability to those other than landlords.
Includes requirement for express or implied consent, including, but not limited to, oral or written leases or acceptances of rent by an owner or their agent, within definition.
Clarifies that provision shall not apply to a landlord desirous of repossessing real property from a person who is not, nor ever has been, a tenant of the real property.
Specifies that act shall not apply to a person who is not, nor ever has been, a tenant.
Legislative History
On Jun. 4, 2024, bill was introduced in Senate; on Jun. 12, 2024, bill passed Senate.
On Jun. 27, 2024, bill was introduced in House; on Jul. 9, 2024, bill passed House.
On Jun. 10, 2024, bill presented to governor and is pending governor action.
If enacted, the act shall take effect 60 days after signature by governor.
Jul. 17, 2024 PEN LEG Governor Approval
On Jul. 17, 2024, PEN LEG reported governor approved as Act 88, effective Sep. 15.
Entity Types
CNSM; Corp; MG Orig
Act 88, 7/17/2024; Bill, SB1236, 7/10/2024; Citation: PEN LEG 69-20;