On Jun. 23, FR GVT published decree re life insurance contracts.
FR GVT published Decree 2024-572 of Jun. 21, 2024 defining the content of the arbitration mandate agreement and the information transmitted to the principal for life insurance and capitalization contracts.
Amendments to the Insurance Code (C.ass) to determine the information contained in the arbitration mandate agreement and sent to the principal by the agent once a year.
And in termination of the arbitration mandate; the decree defines terms of termination and was taken on the basis of art 35 of law 2023-973 (#173282) on green industry.
It concerns savers, credit institutions, investment companies, insurance companies, mutual societies, unions of mutual societies, provident institutions and their unions.
The Decree enters into force on Oct. 24, 2024.
Entity Types
Bank; CNSM; IA; Ins; Pension
OG JORF 0147, 6/23/2024, Decree 2024-572, 6/21/2024; Law 2023-973; C.ass (FR); Citation: Decree 2024-572;