Forest SC published new stewardship standard for Argentina, effective on Oct. 1, 2024.
Applies to all categories of management units operating in native forests/plantations.
Includes small and low intensity managed forests plus non-timber forest products.
Applicable to productive management, conservation, forest restoration management.
Argentina has 1.3mn hectares forest plantations, 28mn hectares of native forests, of which more than 80% correspond to tropical climate region (FAO FRA 2020).
Its forests face a critical situation, with annual loss of 164-189,000 hectares to deforestation, and among the most affected in the region, particularly in Gran Chaco.
Forest SC stewardship standard promotes responsible forest management based on 10 principles including; high conservation values; rights of Indigenous People, workers, communities; fair/safe working conditions; monitoring environment/social impacts.
The standard becomes effective on Oct. 1, 2024.
Forest SC
Entity Types
PR, FSC-STD-ARG-01-2024, 6/18/2024; ESG
Compliance; Environment; Human Rights; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Social