On Dec. 24, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6928-U on procedure for counteracting digital ruble transactions corresponding to the characteristics of money transfers without the client's voluntary consent, established by RUS CB in accordance with part 3.3 of article 8 of law 161-FZ on national payment system which enters into force on Feb. 22, 2025.
On Jun. 14, RUS CB proposed regulation for unlawful digital RUB.
RUS CB proposed ord on procedure for counteracting digital ruble transactions corresponding to the characteristics of money transfers without the client's voluntary consent, established by RUS CB in accordance with part 3.3 of article 8 of law 161-FZ on the national payment system.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The ord outlines procedures for to counteract unauthorized digital RUB transactions and documenting procedures to check unauthorized digital RUB transactions.
Also, requirements for informing clients about actions taken to counter unauthorized transactions and recommendations for reducing the risk of repeat transactions and provisions for clients to resend instructions to the same platform participant.
And procedures for operators to counteract unauthorized digital ruble transactions.
Comments and feedback are expected by Jun. 28, 2024.
Dec. 2024 Ord Issued
On Dec. 24, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6928-U on procedure for counteracting digital ruble transactions corresponding to the characteristics of money transfers without the client's voluntary consent, established by RUS CB in accordance with part 3.3 of article 8 of law 161-FZ on national payment system which enters into force on Feb. 22, 2025.
Entity Types
PR 12/24/2024; Ord 6928-U, 11/5/2024; CP, 6/14/2024; Law 161-FZ, 7/27/2024;