RUS CB proposed ordinance amending regulation 758-P on the procedure for forming a credit history to reduce the regulatory burden on sources of credit history formation and ord 5791-Uon composition and format of the user's request for a credit history to provide a credit report, the form of confirmation by the user and rules for searching the credit history bureau information about credit history of a person.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
RUS CB developed the draft ordinance in line with adoption of law 31-FZamending law on consumers loans in order to implement the mechanism of including in the credit history of a credit history subject information on the prohibition on concluding a loan.
To achieve the stated goal, the draft ordinance establishes new indicators of credit history, introduces additions to the list of events that form credit information.
The ord also supplements the search keys for information on a credit history subject - a natural person when forming their credit history, as well as for the purpose of providing information about the prohibition on concluding consumer loan agreements.
Comments and feedback are expected by May 16, 2024.
Sep. 2024 Ord Issued
On Sep. 27, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6776-U amending reg 758-P and ord 5791-U.
The ordinance enters into force on Mar. 1, 2025 (10 days after official publication).
Entity Types
PR 9/27/2024; Ord 6776-U, 7/27/2024; CP, 5/3/2024; Law 31-FZ, 2/26/2024; Reg 758-P; Ord 5791-U