On Mar. 5, FLA LEG passed bill on offenses for schemes to defraud.
FLA LEG passed HB 1171 (SB 1220) on offenses for persons who engage in schemes to defraud elderly persons, minors, or persons with disabilities, amends FLA LEG 817.034
Provides for reclassification of certain offenses and defines civil actions for damages.
Bill Provisions
Defines scheme to defraud as a systematic, ongoing course of conduct with intent to defraud one or more persons, or with intent to obtain property by fraudulent pretense.
Any person who engages in a scheme is guilty of a felony of the first degree if over $50,000 or a felony in the second degree if value is less than $20,000 in aggregate.
Penalty for committing offense against elderly person, minor to person with disability.
A felony of 3rd degree is reclassified to felony of 2nd degree, or felony of 2nd degree is reclassified to felony of 1st degree, or felony of 1st degree is reclassified to life felony.
Person whose image or likeness was used without his or her consent in a scheme to defraud may file a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover damages.
Remedies shall be in addition to, not in limitation of remedies available to any person.
Legislative History
On Jan. 9, 2024, bill was introduced into House; on Feb. 28, 2024, bill passed House.
On Feb. 28, 2024, bill was introduced into Senate; on Mar. 5, 2024, bill passed Senate.
The act takes effect Oct. 1, 2024.
Apr. 2024 FLA LEG Governor Approval
On Apr. 29, 2024, FLA LEG governor approved bill HB 1171, assigned Ch. 2024-129.
Entity Types
CNSM; Corp
Ch. 2024-129, PR, 4/29/2024; Bill HB1171 SB1220, 3/5/2024; Citation: FLA LEG 817.034;