On Jul. 26, EBA consults on creating registers of credit servicers.
EBA launched public consultation on draft guidelines on the establishment and maintenance of national lists or registers of credit servicers.
Draft Guidelines
Issued under Dir 2021/2167 (Credit servicers directive), which mandates EBA to develop guidelines for competent authorities on establishing/maintaining lists.
National lists of all credit servicers authorized to provide services within each territory.
Specifies the types of information that the national lists or registers have to include, with a view to enhance the transparency for credit purchasers and borrowers.
More specifically, sets out and harmonizes the content of the lists or registers, how they should be made accessible, and the deadlines for updating the lists or registers.
Ensures lists or registers are accessible 24/7 on competent authority's website, do not require registration as a precondition for access, and are free of charge to access.
In addition, the guideline facilitates the ability of borrowers to access information on complaint handling procedures offered by competent authorities.
Consultation End
A public hearing on revised guidelines will take place on Oct. 3, 2023; registration for attending hearing due by Sep. 29, 2023; comments due on or before Oct. 26, 2023.
Mar. 2024 Final Guidelines
On Mar. 5, 2024, EU EBA issued final guidelines on national lists or registers of credit servicers, addressed to competent authorities managing the lists or registers.
Specify content of lists/registers, how they should be made accessible, deadlines for updating them, should facilitate access to complaint-handling procedures information.
Following feedback, EBA further clarified various guidelines provisions, and introduced additional requirements for lists/registers to be available via download and in English.
Guidelines will be translated into official EU languages and published on EBA website.
Competent authorities will have to report whether they comply within 2 months of publication of translations, guidelines to apply from 6 months after that publication.
Guidelines on national lists or registers of credit servicers apply from Dec. 30, 2024.
Jun. 2024 Translations
On Jun. 28, 2024, EU EBA issued its official translations of credit servicer guidelines.
The deadline for competent authorities to report whether they comply with the guidelines is two months after publication of the translations, i.e. Aug. 28, 2024.
Sep. 2024 Compliance Table
On Sep. 4, 2024, EU EBA issued compliance table for guidelines on establishment and maintenance of national lists or registers of credit servicers under Dir 2021/2167.
Document dated Sep. 4, 2024, was received on Sep. 10, 2024 due to a fixed feed.