CYP SEC EBA Crypto AML Risk Factors

On Apr. 26, CYP SEC reported EBA extended AML guidelines to CASPs.

  • CYP SEC notified regulated entities that the EBA extended its guidelines on AML/CFT risk factors to include crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) on Jan. 16, 2024.
  • New guidelines highlight AML/CTF risk factors and mitigating measures that CASPs need to consider, representing a key step forward in EU’s fight against financial crime.
  • Follows EBA Jan. 2024 extended AML/CFT risk factors guide to CASPs, see #174603.
  • CASPs
  • CASPs can be abused for financial crime purposes and the risks of this happening can be increased, for example because of the speed of crypto-asset transfers or because some two products contain features that hide the user’s identity.
  • Important for CASPs to know about risks and implement measures that mitigate them.
  • Amendments aim to help CASPs identify risks by providing a non-exhaustive list of different factors, which may indicate the CASP’s exposure to higher or lower levels of AML/CTF risk due to its customers, products, delivery channels, geographical locations.
  • Based on these risk factors, CASPs can develop understanding of their customer base and to identify which part of their business or activity is most vulnerable to ML/TF.
  • Guidelines detail how CASPs should adapt mitigation measures, incl. blockchain tools.
  • CYP SEC calls upon regulated entities to comply with the Guidelines and be able to demonstrate that their AML/CFT policies, controls and procedures are appropriate in view of the risks that have been identified and take necessary mitigating measures.
  • Effectiveness
  • The amending guidelines apply from Dec. 30, 2024.

Regulators CYP SEC
Entity Types B/D; Bank; Corp; Ins; Inv Co
Reference Cir C640, 4/26/2024; EBA/GL/2024/01
Functions AML; Anti-Bribery; Compliance; Cyber; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Treasury
Countries Cyprus
Products Banking; Cryptocurrency; Derivatives; Forex; Fund Mgt; Insurance; Loan; Payments; Securities
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 4/26/2024
Effective Date 12/30/2024
Rule Id 210052
Linked to Rule :174603
Reg. Last Update 4/26/2024
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 04/30/2024