On Sep. 9, CAL LEG passed bill on use of AI in employment contracts.
CAL LEG passed bill AB 2602, adds CAL LEG 2-3-1-927 in regards to digital replicas.
Specifies when agreement for services is unenforceable due to use of digital replicas.
Bill Provisions
Provision in an agreement for the performance of personal or professional services is unenforceable as it relates to a new performance, fixed on or after Jan. 1, 2025.
If it contains a provision allowing use of a digital replica of a person's voice or likeness.
Does not include a reasonably specific description of intended uses, with exceptions
Individual may not be represented by union or legal counsel for licensing, as specified.
Defines digital replica as a computer-generated, highly realistic electronic representation that is readily identifiable as the voice or visual likeness of an individual
Embodied in a sound recording, image, audiovisual work, or transmission in which the actual individual either did not actually perform or performance has been altered.
Bill does not impact, abrogate, or otherwise affect any exclusivity grants contained in or related to a contract provision subject to enforceability of a digital replica provision.
Needed because entertainment industry is becoming increasing reliant on use of AI.
Legislative History
On Feb. 14, 2024, bill introduced in Assembly; on May 22, 2024, bill passed Assembly.
On May 23, 2024, bill introduced in Senate; on Aug. 27, 2024, bill passed the Senate.
On Aug. 28, 2024, amendment concurred; on Sep. 9, 2024, bill delivered to Governor.
If approved, bill takes effect on Jan. 1 of the year after bill enactment, Jan. 1, 2025.
Sep. 17, 2024 CAL LEG Bill Approval
On Sep. 17, 2024, CAL LEG reported was bill signed by governor, assigned Ch. 259.