On Feb. 16, RUS CB proposed pension insurance accounting updates.
RUS CB proposed amending Reg 773-P on the procedure for reflecting compulsory pension insurance agreements on accounting accounts by non-state pension funds.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The draft ordinance aims to establish references to the chart of accounts for non-credit financial organizations and to remove references to the obsolete chart of accounts.
Updates include accounting entries for transferring pension savings to pension reserve funds, paying guarantee contributions to the state Deposit Insurance Agency.
Comments and feedback are expected by Mar. 1, 2024.
Aug. 2024 Ord Issued
On Aug. 5, 2024, RUS CB 6765-U amending reg 773-P in force from Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
Auditor; Depo; Ins; Pension
PR 8/5/2024; Ord 6765-U, 7/25/2024; PR, 2/16/2024; Reg 773-P, 10/28/2021