BER BMA Basel III for Bermuda Banks

On Feb. 15, BER BMA issued guidance notes regarding Basel III.

  • BER BMA published updated guidance notes for Bermuda banks regarding Basel III.
  • Follows May 2022 consultation on Basel III standardized risk approach, see #138831.
  • Amendment
  • Adopted the capital and liquidity regulatory requirements consistent with Basel III.
  • These requirements should be viewed in the broader context of the Authority’s efforts to maintain high standards of risk management and corporate governance in Bermuda.
  • BER BMA noted that it is of the view that observance of quantitative regulatory prudential minima is only one important element in a comprehensive framework.
  • Of equal importance is the adoption within an institution of a sound framework of governance and risk management under pillar 2 and public disclosure under pillar 3.
  • Consistent with this, BER BMA will continue to promote strengthened internal risk management through the Capital Assessment and Risk Profile (CARP) process.
  • Effectiveness
  • The revised standardized approach for credit risk comes into effect in Jan. 2024.
  • The twelve-month transition period will end Dec. 31, 2024.

Regulators BER BMA
Entity Types Bank
Reference Gd, 2/15/2024; Basel III;
Functions Compliance; C-Suite; Financial; Human Rights; Reporting; Risk; Treasury
Countries Bermuda
Products Banking
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 2/15/2024
Effective Date 12/31/2024
Rule Id 201492
Linked to Rule :138831
Reg. Last Update 2/15/2024
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 02/20/2024