Also Sep. 2023, NLD GVT issued letter re international profit tax revision, #183939.
Amount B
Amount B of Pillar 1 is an intended simplification of the transfer pricing rules for determining the remuneration for routine marketing and distribution activities.
Decree describes the consequences of the international agreement of the inclusive framework on Amount B of Pillar 1 for taxation in the Netherlands.
Within inclusive framework, OECD published report: Pillar One - Amount B in Feb. 2024 as part of Two-Pillar Solution to tax challenges of digitalization of the economy.
Report provides guidelines and guidance for the application of Amount B.
Decree enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
Auditor; Corp
OG 38369, 12/4/2024; Decree 2024-0000528135, 11/27/2024