Extends effectiveness of emergency management and wildfire mitigation programs.
Bill Provisions
Emergency Management Assistance Compact, has extended its effectiveness by 10 years, and will become inoperative on Mar. 1, 2038 and repealed as of Jan. 1, 2039.
No later than Jul. 1, 2028, the joint powers authority will submit a report to CAL LEG regarding the implementation of the wildfire mitigation financial assistance program.
Additionally, the Wildfire Mitigation Financial Assistance Program has extended its effectiveness from Jul. 2025 to Jul 1, 2029, and will be repealed on the same date.
Legislative History
On Feb. 13, 2024, bill introduced in Assembly; on May 22, 2024, bill passed Assembly.
On May 23, 2024, bill delivered to Senate; on Aug. 28, 2024, bill passed in Senate.
On Sep. 11, 2024, bill was enrolled and was delivered to governor for actioning.
On Sep. 22, 2024, bill was approved by governor and became Chapter 402 of 2024.
Bill becomes effective as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
CNSM; Corp
Ch. 402, Bill AB2469, 9/22/2024; Citation: *CAL LEG* 1-1-1-3.7-179.9, 2-1-7-16.5-8654.10;