On Jun. 24, NH LEG passed bill on prior authorizations for health care.
NH LEG passed Bill SB 561 to revise provisions under the New HampshireRevised Statutes AnnotatedNH INS XXXVII-420 relative to prior authorizations for health care.
Prior Health Care Authorization
Removed the definition for pre service claim and replaced it with prior authorization.
Added definitions for Utilization review entity, and Prior authorization determination.
Revised the qualifications, policies and procedures re utilization review, and disclosure and process for prior authorization requirements, requirements for medical directors.
Legislative History
On Jan. 3, 2024, bill introduced in Senate; on Feb. 15, 2024, bill passed in Senate.
On Mar. 2, 2024, bill delivered to House; on May 23, 2024, bill was passed in House.
On Jun. 24, 2024, bill was enrolled, pending delivery to the governor for their action.
If approved, the Act will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
Jul. 2024 NH LEG Governor Approval
On Jul. 3, 2024, NH LEG reported governor approved bill, effective on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
IB; Ins
PR, Act, 7/3/2024; Bill SB561, 6/24/2024; Citation: NH INS XXXVII-420;