SWI GVT Banks Own Funds Ordinance

On Jul. 4, SWI GVT, FINMA issued consultation on CAO's changes.

  • SWI GVT launched consultation relating to amendment of own funds ordinance (CAO).
  • SWI FINMA announced revision of capital requirements for banks per CAO changes.
  • Follows SWI GVT Nov. 2019 Federal Council adopted amendments to CAO see #55930.
  • Overview
  • CAO draft aims to integrate into Swiss law the finalized the BCBS Basel III framework.
  • Financial center will continue to benefit from good terms in international competition.
  • With the proposed amendment to the CAO, the capital coverage of riskier transactions will increase relative to lower risk ones, in line with the finalized Basel III standards.
  • Because of this more pronounced differentiation according to risk, consequences of the reform will not be the same for all banks.
  • Overall, capital requirements for banking sector (with the exception of large banks) will not be very different from the current requirements.
  • Interaction between standard measurement systems and internal systems is modified.
  • For calculation of capital requirements to be transparent, internationally comparable.
  • Banks using internal models leeway limited compared to applying standard approaches
  • Various regulations currently contained in circulars of SWI FINMA will be transferred to the CAO and certain articles of the latter will be adapted to current circumstances.
  • Recalled that to introduce final Basel III standards the Federal Council is adapting CAO.
  • So SWI FINMA is adapting associated implementation provisions via 5 new ordinances.
  • At the same time, SWI FINMA is repealing 5 out of 6 relevant circulars and is carrying out consultation on its ordinances; it will hold a hearing on issue on Oct. 25, 2022.
  • Ordinances on: Trading and Banking Book, Eligible Own Funds; Leverage Ratio and Operational Risks; Credit Risks; Market Risks and Disclosure of Risks and Own Funds and Principles of Corporate Governance.
  • Effectiveness
  • Consultation open until Oct. 25, 2022, extension reserved to allow consideration of possible publication, pre-deadline, of draft regulations from major jurisdictions.
  • CAO draft accompanied by explanatory memorandum, letter to cantons, organizations.
  • SWI FINMA ordinances also accompanied by note and information about a hearing.
  • The Federal Council’s own funds ordinance and associated SWI FINMA ordinances are scheduled to come into force on Jul. 1, 2024.
  • Sep. 2022 SWI SBA Position Paper
  • On Sep. 29, 2022, SWI SBA issued position paper on the Basel III Final consultation.
  • SWI SBA has two observations on Basel's III implementation in the mortgage market.
  • Supports its implementation in the mortgage market but the two years according to the applicable rules for the lower of cost or market principle should be adhered to.
  • The two years should also apply to the parallel concept of the original lending value.
  • Reduce the surcharges for rented residential properties to a risk-appropriate level.
  • For loan-to-value ratios of 60%-80%, the risk surcharge should be 5% instead of 15%.
  • Oct. 2022 SWI AFBS Contribution
  • On Oct. 24, 2022, SWI AFBS contributed to drafting of the SWI SBA comments regarding the regulation concerning Swiss implementation of Basel III standards.
  • The specific points of concern for SWI AFBS were capital adequacy for trade finance business and reporting obligations regarding the Swiss branch of a foreign-based bank.
  • Proposed inverting burden of proof, reporting obligation upon SWI FINMA's request.
  • Oct. 25, 2022 SWI SBA Comments
  • On Oct. 25, 2022, SWI SBA commented on the amendment of the own funds ordinance (CAO), the SWI FINMA ordinances for the Basel III Final implementation.
  • Concerns re competitiveness, real estate, mortgage market, group requirements.
  • Also, re definitions and questions of application, leverage ratio/central bank balances.
  • Also, trade finance, liquidity coverage ratio liquidity, firm-specific Pillar 1 requirements.
  • Dec. 2022 SWI SBA Updated Position Paper
  • On Dec. 9, 2022, SWI SBA issued a position paper on the Basel III implementation.
  • Presentation of banking sector's assessment and demands in a more compact way.
  • Highlighted the need for authorities to maintain a level playing field internationally.
  • Nov. 2023 Amended CAO Adopted
  • On Nov. 29, 2023, SWI GVT adopted the amendment of the Own Funds Ordinance (CAO) for banks, transposing the final Basel III standards of the BCBS into Swiss Law.
  • The amended CAO will enter into force on Jan. 1, 2025 and no significant change in the total capital requirements will be expected for the general banking sector on average.
  • However, the capital requirements for UBS in particular are likely to be increased.
  • Amended CAO will limit the internal models' scope to determine capital requirements.
  • And will achieve a transparent and internationally comparable calculation of capital.
  • Australia, Japan and Canada have already amended their regulations; implementation in the EU and the United States is scheduled for Jan. 1 and Jul. 1, 2025 respectively.
  • SWI GVT will be informed on the status of global application by the end of Jul. 2024.
  • SWI SBA welcomed the CAO adoption but highlighted the considerable costs for banks.
  • SWI SBA planned to align its internal regulation with the CAO in the spring of 2024.
  • For competitiveness reasons, SWI GVT should reserve the right to postpone the planned entry into force in the event that implementation abroad would be delayed.
  • In Mar. 2024, SWI FINMA issued ordinances implementing Basel III, see #206530.
  • In Mar. 2024, SWI SBA updated self-regulation on mortgage lending, see #206542.
  • In Jun. 2024, SWI GVT confirmed Basel III implemented Jan. 1, 2025 see #217181.

Entity Types Bank; BS
Reference PR, 11/29/2023; Rsp, 12/9/2022; Rsp, 10/25/2022; Rsp, PR, 10/24/2022; Rsp, PR, 9/29/2022; CP, PR, 7/4/2022; Basel III; CAO
Functions Compliance; C-Suite; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Trading
Countries Switzerland
Products Banking; Equity; Loan; Mortgage
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 7/4/2022
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 142534
Linked to Rule :55930
Reg. Last Update 11/29/2023
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 12/03/2023