On Mar. 17, RUS CB updated non-state pension fund accounting.
RUS CB proposed ordinance amending reg 727-P on the forms of disclosure of information in the accounting statements of non-state pension funds and the procedure for grouping accounting accounts in accordance with the indicators of accounting statements.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The proposed ordinance establishes and clarifies the name of the indicator of the balance sheet intangible assets as well as capital investments in them.
Additionally, requirements for disclosing the principles of accounting policies in relation to intangible assets, the table other income also supplemented new indicators.
And tables of grouping accounts are supplemented with accounting accounts introduced by reg 803-P on on the chart of accounts for non-bank financial institutions, credit history bureaus, credit rating agencies and the procedure for its application.
Comments and feedback are expected by Mar. 30, 2023 and is expected to enter into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Sep. 2023 Ordinance Issued
On Sep. 27, 2023, RUS CB ordinance 6509-U amending regulation 727-P; ord enters Jan. 1, 2025.