On Mar. 19, RUS PRL issued bill on of zero VAT rate for exporters.
RUS PRL introduced a bill to simplify the confirmation of zero VAT rate for exporters.
The government introduced a draft bill that simplifies and converts into electronic form the procedure for confirming the validity of applying a zero VAT rate for exporters.
The explanatory note states that per current procedure, to confirm the validity of applying the zero VAT rate, exporters are required to provide a package of documents.
Since 2015, they have been able to send such information to RUS TAX using an electronic register but now such a register includes only information from declarations.
The transition to the new procedure will allow the tax authorities to process the information presented in the registers automatically and reduce bureaucracy.
Apr. 2023 Law Issued
On Apr. 28, 2023, RUS GVT issued law 173-FZ on amendments to chapter 21 of part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation which enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
Auditor; Corp
Law 173-FZ, 4/28/2023; PR, 3/19/2022; Bill 90752-8, 3/19/2022;