RUS PRL Zero VAT Rate for Exporters

On Mar. 19, RUS PRL issued bill on of zero VAT rate for exporters.

  • RUS PRL introduced a bill to simplify the confirmation of zero VAT rate for exporters.
  • Summary
  • The government introduced a draft bill that simplifies and converts into electronic form the procedure for confirming the validity of applying a zero VAT rate for exporters.
  • The explanatory note states that per current procedure, to confirm the validity of applying the zero VAT rate, exporters are required to provide a package of documents.
  • Since 2015, they have been able to send such information to RUS TAX using an electronic register but now such a register includes only information from declarations.
  • The transition to the new procedure will allow the tax authorities to process the information presented in the registers automatically and reduce bureaucracy.
  • Apr. 2023 Law Issued
  • On Apr. 28, 2023, RUS GVT issued law 173-FZ on amendments to chapter 21 of part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation which enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators RUS GVT; RUS PRL
Entity Types Auditor; Corp
Reference Law 173-FZ, 4/28/2023; PR, 3/19/2022; Bill 90752-8, 3/19/2022;
Functions Accounting; Financial; Operations; Reporting; Tax; Technology; Treasury
Countries Russia; Cross-Border
Products Corporate
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 3/19/2022
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 132721
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 4/28/2023
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 05/01/2023