CAL LEG Dental Benefit Provisions

On Oct. 11, CAL LEG passed bill on dental health plan provisions.

  • CAL LEG passed Bill AB 1048 re dental plan waiting period, preexisting conditions.
  • Bill amends CAL INS 2-10181.2 and adds new sections to the Health and safety code.
  • Bill Provisions
  • This bill prohibits a health care service plan that covers dental services, from offering a health plan that imposes a dental waiting period or preexisting condition provision.
  • Would retain the exclusion with respect to specialized health care service plan contracts and specialized health insurance policies that do not provide dental services.
  • Requires insurance policies covering dental services to file with the Department of managed Health Care specified information about the plan including type of insurance.
  • Bill would require the plan or health insurer to file with the respective departments the required information at least 120 days before all or any change that would affect rates.
  • Violation of provisions would be a crime, imposing a state-mandated local program.
  • Legislative History
  • On Feb. 15, 2023, bill introduced in Assembly; on May. 31, 2023, bill passed Assembly.
  • On Jun. 1, 2023, bill was introduced in Senate; on Sep. 13, 2023, bill passed Senate.
  • On Oct. 8, 2023, bill was signed governor; established as Chapter 557 of 2023.
  • Effectiveness
  • The provisions of this bill AG-1048 become effective Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators CAL LEG
Entity Types Corp; Ins
Reference Ch. 557, Bill, AB1048, 10/11/2023; Citation: CAL INS 2-10181.2;
Functions Claims/Accelerated Benefits; Compliance; Legal; Operations; Product Administration; Reporting; Underwriting
Countries United States of America
Products Corporate; Dental; Insurance; Insurance-Health
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 10/11/2023
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 187592
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 10/11/2023
Report Section US Insurance

Last substantive update on 10/13/2023