On Sep. 17, TUR GVT informed of e-advertisement verification system.
TUR GVT informed of Electronic Advertisement Verification System authorization.
Main Points
With the amendments made to the Regulation on Real Estate Trade on Aug. 31, 2023, identity, authorization verification obligations were set up for advertisement platforms.
Identity verification of real/legal persons who want to post real estate advertisements have started to be made via the Electronic Advertisement Verification System (EIDS).
The authorization verification application was implemented on Sep. 15, 2024.
Real estate businesses without an authorization certificate will not be able to enter advertisements, there will be a transition period between Sep. 15 and Dec. 31, 2024.
During this process, it will be possible to post a real estate advertisement without verification, but the EIDS Logo will be included in advertisements that were verified.
As of Jan. 1, 2025, the application will be fully put into effect so that real estate advertisements cannot be posted without the authorization verification.