On Jan. 18, MCH INS issued bulletin to set maximum copying charge.
MCH INS issued Bulletin 2022-05-INS to inform insurers of the current maximum allowable copying charge for documentation provided to an insured or applicant.
Rate set at 10 cents per sheet of paper; this bulletin supersedes Bulletin 2021-17-INS.
Copying Charge
A person who believes an insurer improperly denied or charged an incorrect premium for auto/home insurance is entitled to a private informal managerial-level conference.
Insurers must provide the insured/applicant with information pertinent to the denial or premium charge if insured/applicant requests and pays a reasonable copying charge.
Copying charge may not exceed the rate charged by MCH INS for copying under the freedom of information act; rate is set at 10 cents per sheet.
The rate of 10 cents per sheet of paper will be effective through Dec. 31, 2022.
Dec. 2022 MCH INS Copying Charge
On Dec. 22, 2022, MCH INS issuedBulletin 2022-22-INS, superseding 2022-05-INS.
Informed insurers of maximum allowable copying charge for documentation given to insured/applicant per MCH INS 500.2113(2)(a), MCH INS Rule R 500.1508(3)(b).
Through Dec. 31, 2023, maximum rate for copying charge remains 10 cents per sheet.
Dec. 2023 MCH INS Copying Charge
On Dec. 14, 2023, MCH INS issuedBulletin 2023-25-INS on maximum copying charge.
Supersedes Bulletin 2022-22-INS; through Dec. 31, 2024, rate is 10 cents per sheet.
Document dated Dec. 14, 2023, was received on Dec. 26, due to a fixed feed.
Dec. 2024 MCH INS Copy Charge Update
On Dec. 11, 2024, MCH INS issued Bulletin 2024-28-INS to inform insurers that through Dec. 31, 2025, the copying charge rate remains 10 cents per sheet of paper.
Bulletin 2024-28-INS supersedes Bulletin 2023-25-INS, issued on Dec. 14, 2023.
Entity Types
Bul 2024-28-INS, 12/11/2024; Bul 2023-25-INS, 12/22/2023; Bul 2022-22-INS, 12/22/2022; Bul 2022-05-INS, 1/18/2022; Rpl, Bul 2021-17-INS; Citation: MCH INS 500.2113; MCH INS Rule R 500.1508;
Actuarial and Valuation; Compliance; Financial; Legal; Operations; Product Administration