On Sep. 27, RUS CB issued plan accounts for non-credit firms.
RUS CB issued reg. 803-P on the plan accounting for non-credit financial firms, credit history offices, credit rating agencies and the procedure for its application.
When applying this provision, it is necessary to be guided by international financial reporting standards and IFRS interpretations put into effect in the territory of Russia.
Regulation Invalidated
Regulation 486-P on the chart of accounts for accounting in non-bank financial institutions and the procedure for its application and ordinances amending it.
The ordinances are 4247-U, 4745-U, 5133-U, 5890-U, as well as 6097-U.
Regulation 803-P enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025 and from the date of entry into force invalidates regulation 486-P as well as the ordinances amending it.
In Dec. 2022, RUS CB issued guidance on financial reporting regulation, see #158171.