On May 22, ILL LEG passed bill to cover insured with cancer in family.
ILL LEG passed SB 2697 re genetic test, screening for cancer-causing gene mutations.
Create ILL INS 215-5-356u.10 (genetic testing and evidence-based cancer screening).
Key Bill Provisions
Revise Insurance Code to cover tests/screening for those with family history of cancer.
Require insurers cover clinical genetic testing for inherited gene mutations associated with increased risk of cancer for those policyholders with cancer in their family history.
Total amount insured is required to pay for the clinical genetic test cannot exceed $50.
Tests that are positive shall include coverage for screenings, subject to a deductible.
Applies to group policy accident or group policy health insurance plans or to managed care plans that are amended, delivered, issued, or renewed after Thurs., Jan. 1, 2026.
Legislative History
On Jan. 10, 2024, bill was introduced in Senate; on Apr. 10, 2024, bill passed Senate.
On Apr. 11, 2024, bill introduced in the House; on May 22, 2024, bill passed in House.
If enacted, provisions established in bill SB 2697 effective on Wed., Jan. 1, 2025.