On Oct. 2, RUS CB proposed amendments to investment fund rules.
RUS CB proposed ord amending ord 6292-U on the scope, forms, procedure and terms for compiling and submitting reports to RUS CB by joint-stock investment funds, management companies of investment funds, unit investment funds and non-state pension funds.
Follows, RUS CB Oct. 2022 investment fund reporting regulation, see rule #129691.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The amendments include adding a "Country Code" to credit organization details.
As well as clarifying the procedures for filling out analytical attributes, specifying exchange name indicators, and adding information about owners of shares.
The proposed ordinance also includes changes related to foreign banks and financial organizations, as well as adjustments to reporting indicators and taxonomy.
The proposed ordinance is developed in accordance with various federal laws governing investment funds as well as non-governmental pension funds.
Comments and feedback are expected by Oct. 16, 2023.
Jul. 31, 2024 Ordinance Issued
On Jul. 31, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6761-U amending ord 6292-U, which enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025 and is applicable to reporting for the period from Jan. 2025.
Entity Types
IA; Inv Co; Pension
PR 7/31/2024; Ord 6761-U, 7/18/2024; CP, 10/2/2023