RUS CB Possible Losses Reserves Ord

On Nov. 29, RUS CB issued losses reserves for credit institutions rules.

  • RUS CB published ord 6879-U on the procedure for the formation by non-bank credit institutions - central counterparties, credit institutions - settlement depositories of reserves for possible losses on individual claims in the context of restrictive measures.
  • Summary
  • The new ordinance establishes a procedure for the formation of reserves for possible losses by central counterparties and settlement depositories under sanctions.
  • Non-bank credit institutions, central counterparties, settlement depositories can use a special procedure for forming reserves for losses related to certain foreign institutions.
  • These foreign institutions include those authorized to: handle accounting and transfer of rights to securities, perform broker-like activities and/or act as foreign banks.
  • Reserves may cover money and precious metals credited to accounts in foreign financial institutions and institutions restricted under sanctions for certain transactions.
  • Procedure for formation of reserves for possible losses using banking risk management methods and quantitative risk assessment models, will not apply to blocked claims.
  • Central counterparties and settlement depositories determine the following minimum amount of the reserve to be formed for each blocked claim: 60% of reserve calculation base until Dec. 31, 2025, 80% until Dec. 31, 2026 and 100% until Dec. 31, 2027.
  • Effectiveness
  • The ord enters into force Jan. 1, 2025 and main provisions are valid until Jan. 1, 2028.

Regulators RUS CB
Entity Types Bank; CU; Depo
Reference PR 11/29/2024; Ord 6879-U, 9/30/2024;
Functions Compliance; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Treasury
Countries Russia
Products Banking; Deposits
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 11/29/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 235324
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 11/29/2024
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 12/04/2024