SLK PRL Electronic Identity System

On Nov. 27, SLK PRL approved law aligning rules with eID framework.

  • SLK PRL approved law 507 amending Act 272/2016 coll. on trusted services for electronic transactions in the internal market and on the amendment of certain laws.
  • Follows EU CNCL Apr. 2024 issued Reg 2024/1183 on eID framework, see #190791.
  • Purpose
  • Implementation of EU Reg 2024/1183 on the establishment of a European digital identity framework, increasing the overall national level of trust service provision.
  • Rules on the European Digital Identity Wallet that provides persons and legal entities in the EU with a harmonized means of e-ID to authenticate and share identity data.
  • Regulation of the tasks and competences of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic in the field of digital identification and electronic attestation of attributes. O
  • The Ministry of the Interior will provide a European Digital Identity Wallet ex officio.
  • But at the same time, any public as well as private sector entity that is a qualified trust service provider will be able to provide a European Digital Identity Wallet as well.
  • Rules on the procedures for becoming a European Digital Identity Wallet provider.
  • Provisions on control, complementing the status and powers of the National Security Authority in relation to the European Digital Identity Wallet, enforcement measures.
  • Effectiveness
  • The law, sent to the editorial office, enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators SLK PRL
Entity Types CNSM; Corp
Reference Law 507, PR, 11/27/2024; eIDAS Reg 2024/1183
Functions Compliance; Legal; Privacy; Product Administration; Product Design; Record Retention; Risk; Technology
Countries Slovakia
Products Corporate
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 11/27/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 235162
Linked to Rule :190791
Reg. Last Update 11/27/2024
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 12/02/2024