IND SEBI on Repository of Documents

On Dec. 5, IND SEBI wrote re merchant banking, issuances to public.

  • IND SEBI said merchant bankers must maintain records, documents re due diligence during pre-issue, post-issue activities, per SEBI (merchant bankers) regulations, 1992.
  • Overview of Circular
  • These records must be preserved for at least five years as per regulation 16.
  • Stock exchanges have introduced an online document repository platform to help merchant bankers upload and maintain these records electronically for easier access.
  • Merchant bankers must upload due diligence documents to repository platform, notify relevant stock exchanges where issuer company’s securities are proposed to be listed.
  • Stock exchanges will provide merchant bankers with a list of required documents and upload guidance in consultation with Association of Investment Bankers of India.
  • Starting Jan. 1, 2025, documents must be uploaded within 20 days of filing the draft offer document with the IND SEBI/stock exchanges, and within 20 days of listing.
  • From Apr. 1, 2025, this timeline reduces to 10 days; the repository is accessible only to merchant bankers via login but must be available for IND SEBI's supervision.
  • Merchant bankers must ensure that documents are relevant, complete, and legible.
  • Effectiveness
  • The circular applies to draft offer documents filed on or after Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators IND SEBI
Entity Types B/D; Bank; Exch
Reference Cir SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-TPD-1/P/CIR/2024/170, 12/5/2024
Functions Compliance; Financial; Legal; Record Retention; Reporting; Sales Practices
Countries India
Products Banking; Investment Bank; Issuance/IPO; Securities
Regions AP
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 12/5/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 236030
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 12/5/2024
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 12/10/2024