On Sep. 20, CAN NVS PRL passed an act on employee sick leave.
CAN NVS PRL reported enactment of Bill 464, Stronger workplaces for Nova Scotia act, amending and strengthening provisions relating to sick leave and workers' comp.
Set harassment prevention policies, sick leave and return to work requirements.
Provisions amended the Occupational health and safety act (CAN NVS PRL Ch. 7).
Additionally, provisions amended the labor standards code (CAN NVS PRL Ch. 246).
Amended definitions and unpaid leave for medical appointments and childcare.
Entitled employee to take unpaid leave of absence for serious illness, sickness, injury.
Specified the nature, content and timing of information that an employee may be required to supply in support of serious illness leave and sickness or injury leave.
Employee must adviser employer as soon as possible of intention to take leave.
Required employee to, on request, provide data to the employer in support of leave.
Employers must implement policy respecting prevention of harassment in workplace.
Required employer to take certain actions to cooperate in a worker's return to work.
Injured worker must take certain actions to cooperate in the worker's return to work.
Authorizes the Board to impose penalties on an employer or worker that fails to comply with the requirements respecting cooperation in a worker's return to work.
Established review committee to make recommendations on this act annually.
Legislative History
On Sep. 5, 2024, bill introduced to Parliament; on Sep. 13, 2024, bill passed.
On Sep. 20, 2024, bill received Royal Assent, designated 2024 Statues, Chapter 10.