IND RBI OTC Derivatives Margining

On Jun. 16, IND RBI proposed draft directions on OTC derivatives.

  • IND RBI issued on its website draft directions on margining for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives directions, 2022 under section 45 W of the RBI act, 1934.
  • Outlines entity scope, calculation of margin, exchange of margin, treatment of Variation margin under collateralize to market approach, initial margin treatment.
  • Eligible collateral and haircuts, requirements for cross-border deals, dispute resolution.
  • Effectiveness
  • Comments period closes Jul. 29, 2022.
  • In Jul. 2022, GFMA responded to RBI consultation on OTC derivatives, see #145579.
  • May 2024 Master Direction
  • On May 8, 2024, IND RBI issued Master direction - RBI (margining for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives) directions, 2024, which applies to specifiied types of non-centrally cleared derivatives contracts in foreign exchange, interest rates, and credit.
  • Transactions involving government entities, RBI, other specified parties are exempt.
  • Specifies requirements for initial, variation margin for different types of covered entities.
  • Definitions provided for domestic covered entities, foreign covered entities with specific thresholds for average aggregate notional amount (AANA) of outstanding derivatives.
  • Details on how margins should be calculated, collected, and exchanged; also lists eligible collateral types and standards for both variation and initial margins.
  • Specifies eligible collateral, haircuts applicable to mitigate risk; details how collateral shall be managed, including requirements for segregation, rehypothecation restriction.
  • Entities engaging in cross-border derivatives must align with international standards and ensure comparability with margining frameworks of foreign jurisdictions.
  • The directions are effective from Nov. 8, 2024.

Regulators IND RBI
Entity Types B/D; Bank; OTC
Reference MDIr, RBI/FMRD/2024-25/117, FMRD.DIRD.01/14.01.023/2024-25, 5/8/2024; PR 2022-2023/377, MDir, CP, 6/16/2022;
Functions Financial; Operations; Resolution
Countries India; Cross-Border
Products Banking; Clearing; Derivatives; Securities
Regions AP
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 6/16/2022
Effective Date 11/8/2024
Rule Id 141010
Linked to Rule :145579
Reg. Last Update 5/8/2024
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 05/13/2024