RI LEG Specialty Drug Copayments

On Jun. 23, RI LEG enacted bill re specialty drugs copayment limits.

  • RI LEG enacted bill SB 0871a regarding copayment limits on specialty drugs.
  • Added new sections titled, specialty drugs, to each of the following chapters, RI INS 27-18-50.2; RI INS 27-19-42.1 ; RI INS 27-20-37.1 and RI INS 27-41-38.3.
  • Bill Provisions
  • Every individual or group health insurance contract or policy, that provides prescription drug coverage issued or renewed on/ after Jan. 1, 2025, shall limit any required copay.
  • Copayment applicable to covered specialty drugs, not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month for each drug up to a 30-day supply of any single drug.
  • Bill specified that this limit shall be applicable after any deductible is reached and until the individual's maximum out-of-pocket limit has been reached.
  • This does not preclude an entity, subject to this section, from reducing covered individual's cost sharing for a specialty drug to an amount less than that described.
  • Legislative History
  • On Mar. 30, 2023, bill introduced in Senate; on May 30, 2023, bill passed in Senate.
  • On May 31, 2023, bill introduced in the House; on Jun. 15, 2023, bill passed in House.
  • On Jun. 19, 2023, bill sent to the governor; on Jun. 23, 2023, bill signed by governor.
  • Effectiveness
  • Provisions of bill SB 871 (enacted as Ch 233) shall be effective on Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators RI LEG
Entity Types CNSM; Ins
Reference Ch 233, Bill SB871a, 6/23/2023; Citation: *RI INS* 27-18, 27-19, 27-20, 27-41;
Functions Claims/Accelerated Benefits; Compliance; Legal; Product Administration
Countries United States of America
Products Accident; Insurance; Insurance-Health
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 6/23/2023
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 177481
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 6/23/2023
Report Section US Insurance

Last substantive update on 06/29/2023