On Mar. 29, Fed extended complex institution liquidity monitoring.
Fed requested comment on a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the complex institution liquidity monitoring report, reported on form number FR 2052a.
Follows prior three-year extension with revisions completed in 2019 , see #58170.
Published OMB support statement, burden increased from 862,440 to 873,712 hours.
Complex Institution Liquidity Monitoring
Quantitative data on select assets, liabilities, funding activities, contingent liabilities.
Of certain large banking organizations with $100bn/more in total consolidated assets supervised by the Board on a consolidated basis, used to monitor their liquidity profile.
Proposed to expand term transaction accounts to include a subset as defined under Reg D, where depositor is not required to give written notice of intended withdrawal.
Updated to be consistent to IFR issued Apr. 2020 which amended Reg D, see #76616.
Revised to accurately reflect net stable funding ratio (NSFR) final rule, see #27260.
Additionally, captured other data elements necessary to monitor banking organizations' liquidity positions and compliance with liquidity risk measurement (LRM) standards.
Also, reclassified certain listed items from the supplemental information table to new supplemental-derivatives,collateral and LRM tables, as well as included clarifications.
Comments on proposed revisions to collection to must be submitted by May 28, 2021.
Effective May 1, 2022 for Category I banking institutions and Oct. 1 for Category II-IV.
Dec. 1, 2021, Updated Instructions
On Dec. 1, 2021, Fed also published final instructions with revisions for FR 2052a.
Dec. 8, 2021, Appendices
On Dec. 8, 2021, Fed issued Appendices VI, VIII to map provisions applicable to NSFR, to liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) rule to unique data identifiers reported on FR 2052a.
On Feb. 28, 2022, Fed posted OMB supporting statement for FR2052a on its database.
Also posted links to appendix LCR to FR 2052a Mapping included in Dec. 1 FR notice.
Apr. 2022 Updated Form, Instructions
On Apr. 29, 2022, Fed posted updated form and instructions for FR 2052a, Complex institution liquidity monitoring report; revised form approval expires Feb. 28, 2025.