BNG CB Audited Financial Statements

On Aug. 17, BNG CB issued rules on loan file statement retention.

  • BNG CB DFIM circular 08 on collecting, preserving audited financial statement in loan files for loans approval/renewal by financial institutions operating in Bangladesh.
  • Overview
  • Per noticed public interest as defined in Section 2(6) of Financial Reporting Act 2015 Audited by Chartered Accountants when accepting/renewing funds from financial firm.
  • Also for stakeholders re so-called financial statements (e.g. management audit report, without submitting updated financial statements); review reports, etc.
  • As are hindering financial firms from ensuring loan discipline, defaulting amount is up.
  • So guidelines to ensure greater loan discipline in financial entities, prevent defaults.
  • Financial reporting in interest of maintaining discipline in financial institutions, ensuring transparency in loan process law, loans by firm in favor of any public interest body.
  • I.e. organization as defined in Section 2(6) of Compulsory Audit by Chartered Accountants of 2015 at the time of approval/renewal loans and for stakeholders.
  • Statutory Audit Report, audited financial report documents must be properly saved.
  • In addition, in case of approval/renewal of loans by financial institutions, it will also be necessary to receive audited financial statements of body, keep proper documents.
  • Plus the financial report submitted by the borrower in order to ensure loan discipline in financial institution and in case of loan default at a later stage.
  • Reported information on verification by financial institution with information provided in DV5 must be consistent with IAB, financial institutions must use D5 form.
  • Use on their own initiative but also must take necessary steps in liaison with ICAB.
  • Directive issued under powers of section 16(g) of the Financial Institutions Act 1993.
  • Effectiveness
  • The circular entered into force immediately.
  • Mar. 2022 CMSME Applicability
  • On Mar. 29, 2022, BNG CB said that the provisions of circular DFIM 08 will be effective for cottage, micro and small sector enterprises (CMSMEs) from Jan. 1, 2023.
  • Feb. 2023 Amendment
  • On Feb. 13, 2023, BNG CB decided cottage, micro and small sub-sectors included in CMSME sector will be considered as public interest organizations from Jan. 1, 2025.
  • Also confirmed that all the instructions in its Aug. 2021 circular remained intact.

Regulators BNG CB
Entity Types Auditor; Bank; CNSM; Corp; CU
Reference Dec, Cir Lt DFIM 03/2023, 2/13/2023; Cir DFIM 04, 3/29/2022; Cir 08, 8/17/2021; Financial Reporting Act 2015; Financial Institutions Act 1993
Functions Accounting; Compliance; Financial; Legal; Operations; Record Retention; Reporting; Risk; Treasury
Countries Bangladesh
Products Banking; Equity; Loan
Regions AP
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 8/17/2021
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 113600
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 2/13/2023
Report Section International

Last substantive update on 02/14/2023