On Sep. 30, DoL reported minimum wage increase for contract work.
DoL Wage and Hour Division issued notice on increases to applicable minimum wages.
Increase to rate for workers performing work on/in connection with federal contracts.
Affects federal contract work covered by EO 13658, Establishing a minimum wage for contractor, and EO 14026, Increasing the minimum wage for federal contractors.
Minimum wage rate covered by EO 13658 for workers will increase to $13.30 per hour.
Required minimum cash wage for tipped employees will increase to $9.30 per hour.
Covered contracts that were entered into, renewed, or extended on or after Jan. 30, 2022, are generally subject to a higher minimum wage rate established by EO 14026.
Minimum wage rate covered by EO 14026 for workers will increase to $17.75 per hour.
This minimum wage rate will apply to both non-tipped and tipped employees alike.
Contracts similar to those covered by EO 14026 that were entered into prior to Jan. 30, 2022, are subject to a lower minimum wage rate established by EO 13658.
The new minimum wage increases shall take effect beginning on Jan. 1, 2025.
In Nov. 2024, IDA AG reported federal contractor minimum wage invalid, see #232759