On Sep. 16, IND BSE issued notice on compliance reporting.
IND BSE issued notice re submission of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) report and action taken report (ATR), within one month of VAPT.
Guidelines for submission of VAPT report and ATR will be published in Oct. 2024.
Follows IND BSE Sep. 2023 issued notice on submission compliance reports, #185790.
Also follows IND BSE Aug. 2023 issued notice on disciplinary actions, see #162560.
Report Submission
The detailed VAPT report, along with a summary (as per format in annexure A) shall be digitally signed by IND CERT-In empaneled entity and submitted by Dec. 31, 2024.
Any identified gaps must be remedied immediately, compliance of closure of findings from VAPT shall be submitted within 3 months post submission of VAPT report.
Members are required to submit VAPT report/action taken report for FY 2024-25, as per the format in annexure B, by Mar. 31, 2025, on the BSE e-filing system.
Members are advised to adhere strictly to reporting timelines, ensure all vulnerabilities are addressed, confirmed in reports as per IND BSE's Aug. 2023 guidance (#162560).
Non-compliance penalties applicable in FY 2024-2025 are set out in annexure C.