On Dec. 13, 2024, UN extended authorization for member states to intercept vessels carrying prohibited items to/from Somalia, i.e. illegal arms imports, until Feb.28, 2025.
This is a short-term renewal to provide members with additional time to discuss the best shape of the sanctions regime amid the ongoing UN drawdown in Somalia.
Unanimously adopting Res 2762 (2024), council also renewed, until Mar. 31, 2025, the mandate which monitors implementation of sanctions against Al-Shabaab in Somalia.
On Nov. 15, UN renewed certain provisions of its sanctions regime.
UN security council extended its authorization of the African Union Transition Mission (ATMIS) until Jun. 30, 2024 in Somalia, unanimously adopting resolution 2710 (2023).
Also unanimously adopted resolution 2711 (2023) renewing sanctions on Al-Shabaab.
Resolution 2711
Unanimously adopted resolution 2711 acting under Chapter VII of the Charter.
Decided to renew, until Dec. 1, 2023, certain provisions of resolution 2182 (2014).
Provisions concerning the inspection of vessels and seizure of items bound to or from Somalia believed to be in violation of the ban on charcoal exports, the ban on components for improvised explosive devices or the arms embargo on that country.
Decision to renew mandate of panel of experts until Dec. 31, 2023, expressing its intention to review mandate and take appropriate action re extension by Dec. 1, 2023.
Dec. 2023 Renewed Sanctions, Lifted Arms Embargo
On Dec. 1, 2023, UN voted to adopt resolution 2713 (2023) with 14 votes in favor, 1 abstention, renewing the sanctions regime and arms embargo against Al-Shabaab.
Renewed the provisions set out in paragraphs 15 and 17 of resolution 2182 (2014), and expanded by paragraph 5 of resolution 2607 (2021), to cover improvised explosive device components until Dec. 15, 2024 and, in so doing, reauthorized Member States’ maritime interdiction of illicit charcoal exports from, and weapons or military equipment imports to, the country as well as improvised explosive device components.
Text also renewed mandate of the Panel of Experts until Jan. 15, 2025: tasks include those set out in para 11 of resolution 2444 (2018) and paras 5, 11, 17 of 2713 (2023).
UN Security Council also unanimously adopted a resolution lifting the arms embargo on the Federal Government of Somalia; called on the Government to implement the national weapons-and-ammunition-management strategy and promote further professionalization, training, capacity-building for Somali security and police institutions.
Resolution 2714 (2023) lifts the arms embargo established in resolution 733 (1992).
Dec. 2024 Renewed Sanctions
On Dec. 13, 2024, UN extended authorization for member states to intercept vessels carrying prohibited items to/from Somalia, i.e. illegal arms imports, until Feb.28, 2025.
This is a short-term renewal to provide members with additional time to discuss the best shape of the sanctions regime amid the ongoing UN drawdown in Somalia.
Unanimously adopting Res 2762 (2024), council also renewed, until Mar. 31, 2025, the mandate which monitors implementation of sanctions against Al-Shabaab in Somalia.
Entity Types
B/D; Bank; BS; Exch; Ins; Inv Co; MSB
PR SC/15934, Res 2762 (2024), 12/13/2024; PR SC/15511, PR SC/15510, Res 2713 (2023), Res 2714 (2023), 12/1/2023; PR SC/15494, 11/15/2023; Res 2710 (2023); Res 2011 (2023); Res 2182 (2014); Res 2444 (2018)
AML; Anti-Bribery; Compliance; Financial; Human Rights; Legal; Operations; Sanctions
Global Regulator; Somalia; Cross-Border
Banking; Clearing; Deposits; Fund Mgt; Futures; Insurance; Loan