On Feb. 19, RUS CB proposed new insurance firm accounting rules.
RUS CB proposed ordinance amending reg 728-P on the forms of disclosure of information in the accounting statements of insurance organizations and mutual insurance companies and the procedure for grouping accounting accounts in line with the indicators of accounting statements.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The ord was developed in line with the adoption of Law 340-FZ of on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Russia to establish disclosure procedures in the financial statements of insurance organizations and mutual insurance societies for digital RUB.
Also, it aims to clarify the grouping of accounts for indicators in financial statements and symbols of financial results report on operations with digital financial assets.
Comments and feedback are expected Mar. 4, 2024.
Oct. 2024 Ord Issued
On Oct. 24, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6846-U updating reg 728-P in force Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
Auditor; Bank; Ins
PR 10/24/2024; Ord 6846-U, 10/10/2024; CP, 2/19/2024; Reg 728-P, 7/6/2024;