On Sep. 6, HUD proposed to update core based statistical standards.
HUD proposed rule to adopt 2020 Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) standards, and would amend 24 CFR Part 5 on General HUD program requirements, waivers.
Described HUD's use of CBSAs, how CBSA standards support relevant programs, and how adoption of updated standards ensures accuracy of data, program administration.
Core Based Statistical Areas
CBSAs are geographic areas containing large population nucleus, urban area, adjacent communities, high degree of integration with nucleus measured by commuting ties.
Two types of CBSAs, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), Micropolitan Statistical Area.
Provide nationally consistent set of delineations for collecting, tabulating, publishing federal statistics for geographic areas; CBSA maintained solely for statistical purposes.
Every decade, OMB reviews and updates Standards for Delineating CBSAs, describes data sources, methods used to determine which geographic areas designated CBSAs.
Proposed Rule
Affirmatively adopt new OMB CBSA standards for purposes of estimating fair market rents, area median family incomes, and income limits, other administrative purposes.
Includes any future revisions to the CBSA delineations under these standards.
Proposed rule also added new subpart M to part 5 that will cross reference all affected programs, and to adopt the updated OMB CBSA standards for such programs.
Comments on proposed rule relating to CBSA standards are due by Nov. 5, 2024.
Dec. 2024 HUD Final Rule
On Dec. 6, 2024, HUD published final rule to adopt 2020 standards in federal register.
HUD adopted final rule without changes from the proposed rule; effective Jan. 6, 2025.
Dec. 17, 2024 HUD Final Rule Correction
On Dec. 17, 2024, HUD published correction to the final rule in the federal register.
Fixed error in Section 5.3001 incorrectly designating two paragraphs as (e) and (f).