On Dec. 6, EU CNCL reached agreement on improvements to clearing.
Regulators | EP; EU CMSN; EU CNCL |
Entity Types | B/D; Corp; Depo; IA; Inv Co; OTC |
Reference | OJ L, 12/4/2024; PR, 12/2/2024; PR, Reg 2024/2987, Dir 2024/2994, PE-CONS 41/1/24 REV 1, PE-CONS 42/1/24 REV 1, 11/27/2024; PR, 11/19/2024; PR, 15043/24, 15050/24, 11/8/2024; PR, PE-CONS 41/24, PE-CONS 42/24, 11/6/2024; PR, 14730/24, 14734/24, 10/28/2024; PR, P9_TA(2024)0348, A9-0398/2023, P9_TA(2024)0349, A9-0399/2023, 4/24/2024; PR, 6717/24, 2/19/2024; PR, 2/15/2024; PR, 6343/24, 6344/24, 6346/24, 2/13/2024; PR 20240205IPR17406, 2/7/2024; PR 12/6/2023; Nt 16193/23, 16194/23, 16195/23, 12/1/2023; COM(2022) 697 final, 2022/0403 (COD), COM(2022) 698 final, 2022/0404 (COD); EMIR Reg 648/2012; CRR Reg 575/2013; MMFR Reg 2017/1131; UCITS Dir 2014/91, Dir 2009/65; CRD Dir 2013/36; IFD Dir 2019/2034; CMU; Citation: PE-CONS 41/24; PE-CONS 42/24; Reg 2024/2987; Dir 2024/2994; |
Functions | Compliance; Exams; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Trading |
Countries | European Union; Cross-Border |
Category | |
State | |
Products | Clearing; Corporate; Derivatives; Fund Mgt; Issuance/IPO |
Regions | EMEA |
Rule Type | Final |
Rule Date | 12/6/2023 |
Effective Date | 12/24/2024 |
Rule Id | 193923 |
Linked to | Rule :155735 |
Reg. Last Update | 12/4/2024 |
Report Section | EU |
Last substantive update on 12/06/2024