ILL LEG Disclosures in Job Postings Bill

On Aug. 11, ILL LEG enacted bill re job postings under Equal Pay Act.

  • ILL LEG enacted bill HB 3129 amending Equal Pay Act re job posting requirements.
  • Bill made it unlawful for an employer with 15 or more employees to fail to include the pay scale and benefits for a position in any job posting, including with a third-party.
  • Amends ILL LEG 820-112/10 (prohibited acts) and ILL LEG 820-112/30 (violations).
  • Bill Provisions
  • Defined pay scale and benefits; prohibited employer with 15 or more employees to fail to include the pay scale and benefits for a position in any specific job posting.
  • Inclusion of a hyperlink to a publicly viewable webpage that includes the pay scale and benefits satisfies the requirements for inclusion under this sub-section.
  • If an employer engages a third party to announce, post, publish or make known a job posting, the employer shall provide the pay scale and benefits, or hyperlink to same.
  • Third party is liable for failure to include the pay scale and benefits in the job posting.
  • Unless third party can show that employer did not provide the necessary information.
  • Provisions apply to positions physically performed in Illinois or physically performed outside of Illinois, but employee reports to supervisor or work site office in Illinois.
  • Applicant for employment or an employee shall not be refused an interview, hire, promotion or employ for exercising their rights under this sub-section.
  • Specified Department of Labor authority to investigate violations; set fine amounts.
  • Legislative History
  • On Feb. 17, 2023, bill introduced in House; on Mar. 24, 2023, bill passed in House.
  • On Mar. 27, 2023, bill introduced in Senate; on May 11, 2023, bill passed in Senate.
  • On Jun. 15, 2023, bill sent to governor; on Aug. 11, 2023, bill approved by governor.
  • Effectiveness
  • Provisions of bill HB 3129 enacted as Public Act 103-0539, effective on Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators ILL LEG
Entity Types CNSM; Corp
Reference Pub. Act 103-0539, Bill HB3129, 8/11/2023; Citation: *ILL LEG* 820-112/10, 820-112/30;
Functions Compliance; HR; Outsourcing; Reporting
Countries United States of America
Products Corporate
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 8/11/2023
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 182052
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 8/11/2023
Report Section US Consumer

Last substantive update on 08/16/2023